2025 QS Dünya Üniversiteler Sıralaması
İngiliz Dilbilimi Bölümü QS Dünya Üniversiteler Sıralamasında En İyi 301-350 Dilbilimi Bölümü Arasında!
İngiliz Dilbilimi Bölümü
Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi İngiliz Dilbilimi Bölümü ağ sayfasına hoş geldiniz!
Türkiye'nin öğretim dili İngilizce olan ilk dilbilim bölümü
1972'de kurulan bölümümüz, Türkiye'de öğretim dili İngilizce olan ilk dilbilim bölümü olma özelliğiyle ülkemizde dilbilimin bir sosyal bilim alanı olarak tanınmasına önemli katkılar sağlamıştır.

İngiliz Dilbilimi Anabilim Dalı Biten Tez Listesi


Yüksek lisans

  • Yıldız Ozan. Advertisement and language. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)


Yüksek lisans

  • Bilal Çelik. Evaluation of progress tests in EFL administered at military high schools. (Danışman: Cengiz Tosun)
  • Gürkan Doğan. Affective filter and foreign language learning: A case study. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • N. Zerrin Özil. The analysis of errors made by adult Turkish learners in learning English. (Danışman: Cengiz Tosun)


  • Gülsev Pakkan. A text linguistic apporach to the analysis of Turkish literary narratives with specific emphasis on coherence. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)


Yüksek lisans

  • Işık Arıkan. A linguistic analysis of the inverted sentence in Turkish. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Işıl İnce. An introductory phrase structure grammar of Turkish. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Şeyda Ülsever. Teaching translation at university level. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)


Yüksek lisans

  • Aynur Boyer. A linguistic  analysis  of  Turkish  political  language (Sociolinguistic and discoursal perspectives). (Danışman: Güray König)
  • Özlem Çakır. An ESP program for Turkish banks: Problems and procedures. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Tema Kiper. Proposition-based approaching translation. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Ümit Deniz Turan. A preliminary study on elliptical sentences in Turkish. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Serper Tümer. Teaching writing to pre-study EAP students. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)


  • Fuat Altunkaya. Cohesion in Turkish a survey of cohesive devices in prose literature. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • İsmail Boztaş. Identifying academic English needs of English medium students in Hacettepe University for a communicative course design. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Ülker Vancı. Problems and difficulties of teaching English to Turkish adults. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)


Yüksek lisans

  • Mustafa Aksan. A text-linguistic approach to the study of texts in Turkish preliminaries to the study of coherence in terms of procedural approach. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Banu Nerime Göksoy. Teaching a foreign language in primary school: A case study. (Danışman: Ünsal Özünlü)
  • Nalan Kızıltan. Vocabulary teaching in communicative approach. (Danışman: Oya Külebi)
  • Yeşim Kotan. Stylistic analysis of some Turkish texts with special reference to systemic grammar. (Danışman: Ünsal Özünlü)
  • Kadir Vefa Tezel. Grammar and its importance in communicative language teaching. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Sevinç Tütüncü. Developing reading skills in Turkish. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Gülnur Uğuz. A preliminary study of idioms related to “Women” in Turkish and English. (Danışman: Güray König)


Yüksek lisans

  • Işıl Açıkalın. Speech variation in Turkish teenagers. (Danışman: Güray König)



  • Işın Bengi. A re-evaluation of concept of equivalence in the literary translations of Ahmed Mithad Efendi: A linguistic perspective. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Hüsnü Enginarlar. A contrastive analysis of writing in Turkish and English of Turkish high school students. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Deniz Zeyrek. An analysis of textual pattern of the Turkish folktale. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)


Yüksek lisans

  • Ceyhun Aksoy. The role of attention in macrostructural computations during discourse. (Danışman: Ünsal Özünlü)
  • Erhan Kara. Figurative language  in modern Turkish  literature: Polysemy based on metaphors. (Danışman: Mine İşgüven)


  • Nurgün Akar. Educational linguistics within English Language Teaching departments in Turkey. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Nalan Büyükkantarcıoğlu. Social  class  differences  in  the  standard  vocabulary development of the third and the fifth year students in three different elementary schools in İstanbul. (Danışman: Güray König)
  • İlknur Keçik. Text processing skills of elementary school children: A study based on expository text type. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Gülsev Pakkan. Text linguistic apporach to the analysis of Turkish literary narratives with specific emphasis on coherence. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Şükriye Ruhi. Written text production in Turkish. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)


Yüksek lisans

  • Resmiye Şabi. The use of Turkish Language in Turkish pop music songs. (Danışman: Aysu Erden)


  • Güler Ülü. A textual analysis of news in the Turkish press. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)


Yüksek lisans

  • Okşan Dağlı. Delayed speech in normal child. (Danışman: Çiler Özbayrak)
  • Sündüz Şenipek Kınay. The language of humor in Turkish verbal jokes. (Danışman: Ünsal Özünlü)
  • Ümit Söylemez. Euphemism as a reflection of culture on language. (Danışman: Güray König)


  • Angelica Avcıkurt. Non-regional variation in present day Judeo-Spanish in İstanbul. (Danışman: Güray König)
  • Işıl İnce. A linguistic analysis of language used in Turkish. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Şeyda Ülsever. Linguistic aspects of translation evaluation. (Danışman: Aysu Erden)


Yüksek lisans

  • C. Evren Alpaslan. A comparative study on collocations in Turkish and English with special emphasis on lexical collocations. (Danışman: Mehmet Demirezen)
  • Nalan Eren. Language variation in three popular Turkish plays. (Danışman: Güray König)


  • Ceyhun Aksoy. Euphemism as a reflection of culture on language. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Majed Al-Quran. Discoursal problems of Jordanian EFL students  in argumentative writing with special reference to conjunctive relations. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Zeid Ahmed Shahmaileh. English language proficiency of Jordanian  community college students: With particular emphasis on the educational variables. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)


Yüksek lisans

  • İnci Somuncu Botsalı. Attitudes of university students from different educational,  social  and  geograpgical  backgrounds towards Turkish varieties. (Danışman: Güray König)
  • Faruk Cimbar. A semantic study on lexical borrowings through cultural interactions between English and Turkish. (Danışman: Ünsal Özünlü)
  • Firdevs Özgür Karahan. A preliminary study on the  language  use  of  third generation immigrants Karachais. (Danışman: Güray König)
  • Sevgi Öncel. Teaching technical translations to engineering students. (Danışman: Aysu Erden)
  • Murat Özüdoğru. The teaching of L2 culture in EFL classrooms: Teachers! are we paying lip service to it? (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Rasime Vertaç. Language learning strategies of young learners. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)


  • Mustafa Aksan. Argument  structure, morphology  and  some verbal derivations in Turkish. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Yeşim Aksan. Functional universals and some aspects of sentence topic in Turkish. (Danışman: Ayhan Sezer)
  • Nalan Kızıltan. A linguistic study of the language in the Turkish children's literature. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Hüseyin Öz. The impact of computer assisted language learning on student achievement and attitudes in the context of teaching English as a foreign language: An experimental study on writing. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Hatice Beyhan Ünlü. A stylistic analysis of Haldun Taner's short stories. (Danışman: Ünsal Özünlü)


Yüksek lisans

  • Dilek Hamamcıoğlu Joy. The value and influence of direct and coded feedback given on a surface level to the student's written work at intermediate level. (Danışman: Oya Külebi)


  • Güler Acar. Turkish legal language (A sociolinguistic approach to the Turkish civil code). (Danışman: Güray König)
  • Ayşen Cem. Universal  grammar in second language acquisition: Knowledge of English reflexives by Turkish learners. (Danışman: Ünsal Özünlü)
  • Faruk Türker. Lexical transfer from Arabic into Turkish. (Danışman: Aysu Erden)


Yüksek lisans

  • İsmail Eton. A   contrastive   study   of   English   and   Turkish interrogatives: A discourse perspective. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Yousef Ghasemi. A study on the Persian-originated borrowed words in modern Turkish in terms of morphology, phonology and semantics. (Danışman: Cengiz Tosun)
  • Murat Hişmanoğlu. A contrastive  study on imperatives in Turkish and English: A formal and functional approach. (Danışman: Aysu Erden)
  • Bahadır Hocamov. A contrastive study on noun phrases in Turkish and Uzbek. (Danışman: Oya Külebi)
  • Serpil Şahin. A stylistic study of “Yeni Hayat”. (Danışman: Ünsal Özünlü)
  • Emine Yarar. Macro perspectives in translation. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)


  • Necdet Osam. The attitude of Turkish people towards the use of foreign words in a Turkish context. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)
  • Ayla Tolon. A linguistic study of request in Turkish. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)


Yüksek lisans

  • Murat Dağıstan. The place of learning and acquisition theories in the development of call applications in ELT. (Danışman: Aysu Erden)
  • Esra Peker. Receiver's assesment of idiomatic structures in English magazines and newspapers. (Danışman: Ünsal Özünlü)
  • Feraye Turan. The pragmatics of sarcastic irony in women's discourse. (Danışman: Ahmet Kocaman)


  • Hakan Dilman. A linguistic analysis of modern Turkish and Azerbaijanian in  terms of mutual intelligibility with special emphasis of lexemes. Danışman: (Aysu Erden)
  • Bekir Savaş. Derivations  from  modern  standard  Turkish:  The language used in TV and radio. (Danışman: Oya Külebi)
  • Nilgün Şencan. Allophonic variations of consonant and vowel phonemes of Turkish segmental phonology. (Danışman: Mehmet Demirezen)


Yüksek lisans

  • Suhan Akıncı. An analysis of complaints in terms of politeness in Turkish. (Danışman: Nalan Büyükkantarcıoğlu)
  • Yeşim Çekiçel. Turkish vocabulary variants in relation to gender and age. (Danışman: Ceyhun Aksoy)
  • Carinne Stanton. Ideology and gender in Bram Stoker's Dracula. (Danışman: Aysu Erden)


  • Nazlı Baykal. The representation of Turkish females and males in reading materials and their use by Turkish primary school students. (Danışman: Oya Külebi)
  • Nilüfer Demirkan Jones. The role of material evaluation in language teacher training with special reference to Turkey. (Danışman: Oya Külebi)
  • Ümit Söylemez. Urbanisation and language shift:  A sociolinguistic analysis of the rural to urban transformation in the language of rural migrants, and the change strategies at work. (Danışman: Güray König)


Yüksek lisans

  • Derya Duman. A linguistic study on Turkish personal names. (Danışman: Güray König)


  • Doğan Bulut. A cross-cultural study on refusals in American English and Turkish. (Danışman: Güray König)
  • Firdevs Karahan. Ethnolinguistic  vitality,  identity,  attitudes,  language choice in social network and codeswitching: The case of Bosnian people living in Sakarya. (Danışman: Güray König)
  • Murat Özüdoğru. Therapeutic political discourse: An art of drawing a rosy picture in Turkish politics. (Danışman: Nalan Büyükkantarcıoğlu)


Yüksek lisans

  • Aslı Gülsüm Açan. Computer mediated communication and community: A linguistic study on Turkish language used in internet relay chat (IRC) communication. (Danışman: Güray König)
  • Ayşe Zeynep Açan. A study on sign languages and Turkish sign language. (Danışman: Nalan Büyükkantarcıoğlu)
  • Ömer Seyfi Durhan. A linguistic study on the language use and the jargon of the Turkish military academic cadets. (Danışman: Güray König)


  • Ayşe Şirin Okyanuz Yener. The  linguistic  analysis  of  poetry  for  translation purposes: Orhan Veli Kanık's “Garip” poems and their translations into English. (Danışman: Aysu Erden)



  • C. Evren Alpaslan. Pragmatic annotations for spoken language: A corpus based approach. (Danışman: Güray König)
  • Nuray Alagözlü Kıymazarslan. Code-switching   patterns   and   underlying   socio- psychological   configurations   in   Kabardian   speech community: The probable effects of urbanization. (Danışman: Güray König)
  • Nabi Yalçın. Analysis of the correlations between thematic roles and grammatical relations in Turkish sentences. (Danışman: Güray König)
  • Emine Yarar. The official  language  of  Turkish:  A  formal  and functional approach. (Danışman: Işıl Özyıldırım)


Yüksek lisans

  • Tülin Bozkurt. An analysis of language and ideology in three different Turkish women's magazines. (Danışman: Nalan Büyükkantarcıoğlu)
  • Barbaros Dağdeviren. A linguistic account on form, function and meaning of primary interjections in Turkish in informal discourse. (Danışman: Nalan Büyükkantarcıoğlu)
  • Canan İpek. A preliminary study on syntax and semantics of Turkish focus particles. (Danışman: Aysu Erden)
  • Yüsra Kesici. A study of grammar in the interlanguage of Turkish learners of English on the basis of an analysis of their intralingual grammar errors. (Danışman: Güray König)
  • Sanem Vanlı. Analysing the language of software sections in Turkish computer magazines. (Danışman: Nalan Büyükkantarcıoğlu)



  • Tuğba Çeliktaş. A critical discourse stylistic study of the selected short stories of Sabahattin Ali. (Danışman: Mine İşgüven)
  • Yeşim Dinçkan. The linguistic analysis of “t” and “v” forms: Describing the  systemacity  of  the  interpretations  of  the translators in translating address terms from English into Turkish. (Danışman: Güray König)


Yüksek lisans

  • İlkay Baykara. The use of borrowed words from the Greek cypriot dialect by Turkish cypriots. (Danışman: Güray König)
  • Setenay Boran. An application of lexical aspect and discourse hypotheses: An analysis of the distribution of lexical aspect in the narratives of Turkish learners of English. (Danışman: Emine Yarar)
  • Dilek Camadan. A comparative analysis of descriptive and expository discourse development of four and six year-old Turkish speaking preschool children. (Danışman: Nalan Büyükkantarcıoğlu)
  • Yeliz Demir. A historical analysis of the language used in Turkish TV commercials. (Danışman: Işıl Özyıldırım)
  • Özlem Vural. Phonological variation in informal Turkish. (Danışman: C. Evren Alpaslan)
  • Nihal Yetkin. Analysing the discourse of political criticism in Turkish parliament: Linguistic reflections of prejudice and derogation. (Danışman: Nalan Büyükkantarcıoğlu)


Yüksek lisans

  • Duygu Aydın. A study on a monolingual Turkish dictionary design for children with special emphasis on first and second year primary school children. (Danışman: C. Evren Alpaslan)
  • Sinan Çakır. The accessibility of universal grammar in the acquisition of constituent ordem parameter by the native speakers of Turkish who are  acquiring English as a second language. (Danışman: Işıl Özyıldırım)
  • Emel Kökpınar. An analysis of Turkish television advertisements at the linguistic and semiological  interface:  Culture  based representations. (Danışman: Güray König)


  • Zeynep Doyuran. A comparative analysis of lecture register in Turkish universities  with  Turkish and English media of instruction from a functional viewpoint. (Danışman: Güray König)
  • Derya Duman. Discursive construction of female image in Turkish women's  magazines: A socio-historical  approach  to critical discourse analysis. (Danışman: Nalan Büyükkantarcıoğlu)


Yüksek lisans

  • Fazıla Derya Agiş. A comparative  cognitive  pragmatic  approach  to  the judeo-Spanish and Turkish proverbs and idioms that express emotions. (Danışman: Işıl Özyıldırım)
  • Taylan Akal. A psycholinguistic approach to wh-complement clauses in Turkish. (Danışman: Emine Yarar)


  • Ayşe Zeynep Açan. A linguistic analysis on basic sentence types in Turkish sign-language  (TID) with reference to non-manual activity. (Danışman: Güray König)
  • Suhan Oktay. A sociolinguistic analysis of the personal narratives of Turkish children. (Danışman: Işıl Özyıldırım)
  • Serpil Şahin. Intercultural communicative competence: The case of Turkish  learners coming from different languages, ethnic backgrounds and nationalities. (Danışman: Nalan Büyükkantarcıoğlu)


Yüksek lisans

  • Elif Başıbüyük. Role of proposition in comprehension and memory for Turkish language. (Danışman: Emine Yarar)
  • Fulya Ger. A stylistic analysis of Perihan Mağden's “İki Genç Kızın Romanı” in the context of linguistic deviations. (Danışman: C. Evren Alpaslan)
  • Jülide Ahu Tutar. From language to ideology: A critical linguistic study on pedagogical materials used in Turkish schools in 1970's and 2000’s. (Danışman: Güray König)


  • Aslı Gülsüm Açan. Agramatism in Turkish Broca's aphasic patients: A descriptive case study. (Danışman: Işıl Özyıldırım)
  • Aslı Altan. The influence of vowel harmony on Turkish native speakers learning an artificial language system. (Danışman: Işıl Özyıldırım)


Yüksek lisans

  • Melike Baş. Gender-preferential language use in the writing style of teenagers. (Danışman: Işıl Özyıldırım)
  • Esra Öçal. The acquisition of principle of the Binding Theory by Turkish speaking preschool children. (Danışman: Nalan Büyükkantarcıoğlu)
  • Aydoğan Yanılmaz. An investigation into the lexical and syntactic properties of negative polarity items in Turkish. (Danışman: Emine Yarar)


  • Mine Çankaya. Linguistic and semiotic representations of gender in Turkish TV commercials. (Danışman: Nalan Büyükkantarcıoğlu)


Yüksek lisans

  • Gülin Dağdeviren. Acquisition of the English article system by speakers of Turkish in the EFL setting. (Danışman: Güray König)


Yüksek lisans

  • Hilal Ergül. Humor in Hababam Sınıfı: A descriptive study. (Danışman: C. Evren Alpaslan)
  • Metin Özdemir. Verbal humor processing in Turkish: An eye tracking study on the influence of set effects and the reading patterns in jokes. (Danışman: Zeynep Doyuran)
  • Aykut Sığın. A genre analytic study of the game review sections of video game magazines. (Danışman: C. Evren Alpaslan)
  • Cengiz Turan. Degree of access to universal grammar/transfer from L1 in the learning of relative clauses by Turkish learners of English. (Danışman: Işıl Özyıldırım)
  • Emre Yağlı. An optimality theoretic analysis of focus in Turkish. (Danışman: Emine Yarar)


Yüksek lisans

  • Aslıhan Koçak. A comparative register analysis of the language of cooking used in Turkish recipes. (Danışman: Emine Yarar)


Yüksek lisans

  • Olcay Türk. An analysis of motion event components and accompanying gestures in Turkish narratives in terms of sentential focus position. (Danışman: Zeynep Doyuran)


  • Taylan Akal. Processing of Turkish complex sentences with Wh-phrases. (Danışman: Nalan Büyükkantarcıoğlu)
  • Yeliz Demir. Characterizing multi-participant tv debate as an argumentative activity type: A pragma-dialectical analysis of the argumentative discourse in Siyaset Meydani. (Danışman: Nalan Büyükkantarcıoğlu)
  • Gülin Dağdeviren Kırmızı. Emotional and functional attitudes of native speakers towards Gagauz as an endangered language. (Danışman: Nalan Büyükkantarcıoğlu)
  • Emel Kökpınar Kaya. An Analysis on Conversational Narratives in Turkish. (Danışman: Işıl Özyıldırım)


Yüksek lisans

  • Ruhan Güçlü. A linguistic study on word association behavior of Turkish speaking children in urban and rural settings: A socio-cognitive perspective. (Danışman: Zeynep Açan Aydın)
  • Abdullah Topraksoy. A linguistic study on the system of personal name signs in TİD. (Danışman: Zeynep Açan Aydın)


Yüksek lisans

  • Ali Caner Alkan. Fragmented concepts, mind style and cultural embodiment in song lyrics: A case of tori amos. (Danışman: Zeynep Doyuran)


  • Shahrooz Pourhossein. Animal metaphors in Persian and Turkish proverbs: A cognitive linguistic study. (Danışman: Işıl Özyıldırım)


Yüksek lisans

  • Esra Küçüksakarya. A psycholinguistic study on the pronoun comprehension and processing of Turkish alzheimer's patients. (Danışman: Emine Yarar)
  • Arif Yıldızlı. Pragmatic and conversational functions of tag questions in Turkish: comparison between natural speech and classroom setting. (Danışman: Zeynep Doyuran)


  • Ayşe Dilek Demirtaş. Evaluation and construction of political reality in the speeches of Turkish political party leaders: 'Judgement' and 'engagement' analysis. (Danışman: Işıl Özyıldırım)
  • Gökçen Hastürkoğlu. A cognitive study on the comparison of basic colour terms in Turkish and English idioms. (Danışman: Işıl Özyıldırım)


Yüksek Lisans

  • Burcu Karaduman. The role of context on processing of Turkish subject and object relative clauses (Danışman: Doç. Dr. Emine Yarar)


  • Hakan Cangır. Investigating the relationship between L1 and L2 collocational processing in the bilingual mental lexicon. (Danışman: Nalan Büyükkantarcıoğlu)
  • Cengiz Turan. An eye-tracking investigation of attachment preferences to relative clauses in Turkish. (Danışman: Emine Yarar)
  • Emre Yağlı. Indexing social meaning: Sociophonetic variables and listener perceptions of Turkish. (Danışman: Işıl Özyıldırım)


Yüksek lisans

  • Firdevs Beste Kaptanoğlu. A structural and stylistic analysis of Turkish proverbs. (Danışman: Emine Yarar)
  • Aizada Saparbaeva. Intergenerational analysis of Kyrgyz and Russian languages in the context of post-Soviet revitalization policy. (Danışman: Emine Yarar)
  • Buse Şen. An analysis of Turkish singular pronouns based on Accessibility Theory. (Danışman: Emine Yarar)


  • Cihan Alan. Thematic and discursive construction of homosexual movement in Turkey through Kaos GL magazine. (Danışman: Nalan Büyükkantarcıoğlu)
  • Navid Mohammadpour Talaei. Codeswitching between Azeri and Persian: Sociolinguistic and structural aspects. (Danışman: Nalan Büyükkantarcıoğlu)


Yüksek lisans

  • Göktuğ Börtlü. The vowel triangle of Turkish and phonological processes of laxing and fronting in Turkish. (Danışman: Zeynep Doyuran)


Yüksek lisans

  • Ahmet Bora Dindar. Critical discourse analysis of Yaşar Kemal's İnce Memed I: A textual and intertextual perspective. (Danışman: Zeynep Doyuran)
  • Esin Özge Esen. Apologizing in Turkish and Korean: A Cross-cultural Study. (Danışman: Zeynep Doyuran)
  • Aybüke Uzunca. Animacy effect on Turkish relative clause production among young adult native speakers of Turkish. (Danışman: Taylan Akal)
  • Çiğdem Yalavaç. Boosting and hedging in Turkish research articles. (Danışman: Emine Yarar)
  • Nihansu Yurtseven Akış. Plant-themed metaphors in Turkish proverbs: A cognitive approach. (Danışman: Emine Yarar)


  • Oktay Çınar. The acquisition of null and overt subjects in L2 Turkish at syntax discourse interface across different languages. (Danışman: Işıl Özyıldırım)
  • Nurbanu Korkmaz. Figurative language competence of Turkish young adults with Down syndrome: An analysis of idiom comprehension and interpretation. (Danışman: Nalan Büyükkantarcıoğlu)


Yüksek lisans

  • Ali Aydoğan. Reference tracking in children’s story books in Turkish. (Danışman: Emine Yarar)
  • Zahide Kübra Ayanoğlu. Cumulative and collective readings in the sentences containing plural ambiguity in Turkish: A priming study. (Danışman: Taylan Akal)


  • Ruhan Güçlü. A diachronic and gender-based analysis of Turkish MA thesis: The use of metadiscourse markers. (Danışman: Işıl Özyıldırım)
  • Engin Evrim Önem. Processing of preverbal scrambling in Turkish. (Danışman: Emine Yarar)
  • Abdullah Topraksoy. Motion predicates in Turkish: A morpho-syntactic treatment. (Danışman: Emine Yarar)


Yüksek lisans

  • Sena Gizem Yüksel. Turkish verbal irony comprehension in children aged 5 and 6 years. (Danışman: Emine Yarar)
  • Hanım Türkyılmaz. Investigating Power and Language Through Textual, Metaphorical and Social Aspects Critical Discourse Analysis on Sırça Köşk by Sabahattin Ali. (Danışman: Zeynep Açan Aydın)


  • Shahla Morsali. A critical discourse analysis of gender identity in Turkish newspapers. (Danışman: Işıl Özyıldırım)


Yüksek lisans

  • Yasemin Aydın. Context Type Effects on Attachment Preferences in Disambiguating Turkish Relative Clauses. (Danışman: Taylan Akal)
  • Nisan Ece Gümüş. A Sociopragmatic Study on Turkish Native Speakers' Condolence Speech Acts. (Danışman: Zeynep Açan Aydın)
  • İsmail Göktuğ Kayaalp. A Genre Analysis of the Autobiographical Web Pages of Third Wave Coffee Shops in Türkiye. (Danışman: Zeynep Doyuran)
  • Muhammet Ali Arık. Move Analysis of Turkish Article Abstracts: A Comparative Study. (Danışman: Doç. Dr. Emine Yarar)
  • Berkay Erol. A Computer Mediated Analysis of Neologisms Used by Turkish Speakers on X Social Media Platform.  (Doç. Dr. Zeynep Doyuran)


  • Doğan Baydal. An Experimental and Corpus Based Analysis of Temporal Converb Clauses in Turkish. (Danışman: Emine Yarar)
  • Süleyman Demir. Analysing lexical profiles of Turkish sadness verbs and metaphorical profile of sadness concept in Folk Songs: A corpus-driven Approach. (Danışman: Prof. Dr. Işıl Özyıldırım)



  • Özgür Güngör. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Roles in Storybooks Written for Preschoolers. (Danışman: Prof. Dr. Işıl Özyıldırım)