Hacettepe University Department of English Linguistics
Welcome to the webpage of the Department of English Linguistics
The first linguistics department in Turkey
Faculty Members

Prof. Dr. Işıl Özyıldırım

E-mail: isiloz[at]hacettepe.edu.tr

Phone: (0312) 297 8525

CV: Link

Research interests: Discourse analysis, genre analysis, pragmatics, legal linguistics, narrative analysis

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emine Yarar

Department Head

E-mail: yarar[at]hacettepe.edu.tr

Phone: (0312) 297 8525

CV: Link

Research interests: Syntax, morphology, sentence processing

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suhan Akıncı Oktay

Director of Minor Degree

E-mail: suhanoktay[at]hacettepe.edu.tr

Phone: (0312) 297 8525

CV: Link

Research interests: 

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Doyuran

Director of Erasmus Program, Director of Erasmus Internship Program

E-mail: zdoyuran[at]hacettepe.edu.tr

Phone: (0312) 297 8525

CV: Link

Research interests: Discourse, psycholinguistics, applied linguistics, foreign language teaching

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yeliz Demir van Scheppingen

E-mail: yelizd[at]hacettepe.edu.tr

Phone: (0312) 297 8525

CV: Link

Research interests:  Argumentative discourse, political argumentation, argument orientations, persuasiveness


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emel Kökpınar Kaya

E-mail: emelkokpinar[at]hacettepe.edu.tr

Phone: (0312) 297 8525

CV: Link

Research interests: Conversational narratives, narrative analysis, conversation analysis, discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis, identity, semiotics, social semiotics

Dr. A. Zeynep Açan Aydın

E-mail: zacan[at]hacettepe.edu.tr

Phone: (0312) 297 8525

CV: Link

Research interests: Sign languages, Turkish Sign Language, sociolinguistics, multilingualism/multiculturalism, deaf cultur and identity, historical linguistics, language contact, forensic linguistics

Dr. Taylan Akal

Vice-Head of the Department and Director of Department Academic Advisorship

E-mail: takal[at]hacettepe.edu.tr

Phone: (0312) 297 8525

CV: Link

Research interests: Syntax, psycholinguistics, movement/scrambling of wh-phrases, sentence processing, eye-tracking, filler-gap depenedence